Tennessee lawmakers call for investigation and audit of youth facilitiesinmatelivesmatterNov 20, 20231 min readExtreme Corruption has been found as well as torture and very lengthy use of solitary confinement for minors. Tennessee law makers are not happy. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/tennessee-lawmakers-want-states-juvenile-222708472.html?guccounter
Extreme Corruption has been found as well as torture and very lengthy use of solitary confinement for minors. Tennessee law makers are not happy. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/tennessee-lawmakers-want-states-juvenile-222708472.html?guccounter
Prison guards treated with same distain as inmates in American societyIt's no secret how corrupt the US prisons are. They have done a study and found that most people despise prison guards, the same way that...
Brooklyn, New York officer confesses to smugglingDoes officer like the rest was making tens of thousands of dollars A month smuggling in drugs, cell phones, and other contraband. It's so...